A, Representative images of murine dermal endothelial cells (MDEC) subjected to Matrigel® assay. Following the assay, Calcein-AM (green) was used to stain and visualize the tube formation. The Matrigel® assay was performed in presence of conditioned media (CM) from d7 wound mϕ obtained from MFG-E8−/− and MFG-E8+/+ mice. The CM was obtained by culturing freshly isolated wound mϕ 24h in a standard media. i, CM from MFG-E8−/−; ii, CM from MFG-E8+/+ ; iii, CM from MFG-E8−/− + rMFG-E8 (2.5μg); iv, CM from MFG-E8−/− + VEGF (50ng); or v, CM from MFG-E8−/− + rMFG-E8 (2.5μg) + VEGF (50ng). Scale bar = 100μm.B, Data presented in A was quantified and presented as bar graphs. Results are mean ± SD (n = 4). *p < 0.05 compared with cells treated with CM from MFG-E8−/− mice. C, Expression of specific pro-angiogenic genes in wound mϕ. The expressions were measured using real-time PCR. Results are mean ± SD (n = 3). *p < 0.05 compared with MFG-E8+/+ wound mϕ.