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. 2016 Nov 2;5:96. doi: 10.1186/s40249-016-0193-y

Table 1.

Demographic characteristics of Tb/HIV co-infected patients at JUTH, Southwest Ethiopia, 2013

Variable Category Number (n = 272) Percent
Age (in years) 15–24 38 13.9
25–34 140 51.5
35–44 69 25.4
≥ 45 25 9.2
Mean age (± SD) 32 (±8.53) years
Sex Male 114 41.9
Female 158 58.1
Occupation Government employed 48 17.7
NGO 46 16.9
Farmer 80 29.4
Daily labor 86 31.6
Female Sex Worker 12 4.4
Educational status Illiterate 81 29.8
Read & write (informal) 51 18.8
Formal education 140 51.4
Religion Orthodox 76 27.9
Muslim 134 49.3
Protestant 50 18.4
Catholic 12 4.4
Marital status Married 165 60.7
Single 58 21.3
Divorced 36 13.2
Widowed 13 4.8
Residence Urban 189 69.5
Rural 83 30.5

Tb/HIV tuberculosis/human immunodeficiency virus, JUTH Jimma University Teaching Hospital, NGO Non Governmental Organization, SD standard deviation