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. 2016 Oct 31;12(5):463–470. doi: 10.12965/jer.1632650.325

Table 4.

Changes of lumbar function

Variable Group Pre Post F P-value LSD
Back muscle strength (kg) SEG 52.3±25.3 81.8±27.0 Time 4.607 0.040*
CEG 46.8±18.2 78.0±26.3 Group 1.157 0.328
CG 80.8±31.6 84.3±33.4 Time×group 4.973 0.014* CG<SEG, CEG

Sit-and-reach (cm) SEG 4.3±10.3 10.2±10.9 Time 3.307 0.079
CEG 2.0±10.8 7.7±8.3 Group 0.361 0.700
CG 6.7±5.2 6.0±4.8 Time×group 3.685 0.038* CG<SEG, CEG

Values are presented as mean±standard.

SEG, strength exercise group; CEG, combined exercise group; CG, control group; LSD, Fisher least significant difference.


P<0.05, statistically significant.