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. 2016 Aug 3;11(11):1741–1751. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsw094

Table 1.

Brain activations during experimental and control conditions, whole-brain analysis, full-factorial ANOVA, P(FWE) < 0.05 cluster corrected for multiple comparisons.

Cluster P(FWE) Cluster size (number of voxels) Peak Z x y z Region R/L
Main effect of condition Social > Non-social scenes
4676 Inf 52 -70 4 Middle Temporal Gyrus R
Inf 46 -60 16 Middle Temporal Gyrus (extending to the TPJ) R
Inf 46 -74 0 Middle Occipital Gyrus R
2417 Inf -50 -74 10 Middle Occipital Gyrus L
Inf -42 -54 -18 Fusiform Gyrus L
Inf -54 -48 14 Middle Temporal Gyrus L
2724 Inf 4 -60 32 Precuneus R
Inf 4 -90 16 Cuneus L
Inf 4 -52 46 Precuneus R
418 Inf 6 54 24 Superior Medial Gyrus R
6.17 6 62 22 Superior Medial Gyrus R
410 Inf -18 -74 -34 Cerebellum L
6.95 -10 -80 -40 Cerebellum L
6.23 -14 -70 -24 Cerebellum L
9 7.64 22 -6 -14 Amygdala R
133 7.49 4 42 -16 Rectal Gyrus R
6.12 4 56 -6 Medial Orbitofrontal Gyrus R
250 7.25 40 2 40 Precentral Gyrus R
19 7.08 46 -16 -24 Inferior Temporal Gyrus R
5.97 44 -22 -18 Fusiform Gyrus R
189 6.55 36 18 26 IFG (p. Triangularis) R
6.19 50 24 16 IFG (p. Triangularis) R
5.89 54 20 28 IFG (p. Opercularis) R
12 6.52 14 -30 2 Thalamus R
7 6.24 -20 -6 -14 Amygdala L
25 6.2 4 -12 8 Thalamus R
42 5.64 -60 -10 -8 Middle Temporal Gyrus L
5.56 -52 -10 -12 Middle Temporal Gyrus L
6 5.33 44 20 -30 Temporal Pole R
11 5.25 2 -16 36 Middle Cingulate Cortex R
Non-social > Social scenes
2934 Inf 26 -40 -10 Parahippocampal Gyrus R
Inf -30 -46 -8 Fusiform Gyrus L
Inf -26 -64 -12 Lingual Gyrus L
907 Inf 40 -80 30 Middle Occipital Gyrus R
Inf 32 -80 18 Middle Occipital Gyrus R
6.53 28 -64 36 Superior Occipital Gyrus R
962 Inf -34 -86 22 Middle Occipital Gyrus L
7.27 -30 -90 10 Middle Occipital Gyrus L
6.94 -20 -68 42 Superior Parietal Lobule L
383 Inf 20 -54 18 Calcarine gyrus R
Inf 12 -52 12 Precuneus R
335 Inf -18 -58 18 Cuneus L
7.17 -8 -50 6 Calcarine gyrus L
81 7.34 -52 -60 -10 Inferior Temporal Gyrus L
39 6.45 26 8 54 Superior Frontal Gyrus R
26 6.21 -22 6 52 Middle Frontal Gyrus L
6 5.12 22 -72 54 Superior Parietal Lobule R
Negative > Positive social scenes
124 6.71 -30 26 -6 Insula Lobe L
5.46 -46 24 -6 IFG (p. Orbitalis) L
10 5.98 48 32 -8 IFG (p. Orbitalis) R
29 5.64 -4 50 34 Superior Medial Gyrus L
14 5.39 32 26 -2 Insula Lobe R
7 5.11 -4 22 40 Superior Medial Gyrus L
Positive > Negative social scenes
13 5.21 -54 -30 26 Supramarginal Gyrus L
5.11 -62 -32 28 Supramarginal Gyrus L
Main effect of gender Female > Male
33 7.21 -20 -82 -8 Lingual Gyrus L
12 6.11 12 -82 -6 Lingual Gyrus R
37 6.05 -20 -52 2 Precuneus L
5.74 -24 -62 8 Calcarine Gyrus L
15 5.67 -16 -72 10 Calcarine Gyrus L
8 5.33 20 -52 0 Lingual Gyrus R
11 5.27 14 -84 14 Calcarine Gyrus R
8 5.15 -6 -84 8 V1 L

R. Right Hemisphere; L. Left Hemisphere