Fig. 4.
hG9a is a component of CDP/cut complex. (A) Endogenous hG9a is a component of purified CDP/cut complex. (His)6-Xpress-CDPC complex was purified from 293 EBNA cells stably expressing (His)6-Xpress-CDPC by using Ni+-agarose, followed by immunoprecipitation with anti-Xpress Ab, and analyzed by SDS/PAGE and silver staining. Identities of protein bands were determined by MS. As a control, mock purification was performed from 293 EBNA cells generated with an empty (His)6-Xpress-tagged protein expression vector. (B) Endogenous hG9a specifically associates with the CDP/cut complex. The eluates of (His)6-Xpress-CDPC complex in A were analyzed by Western blots with Abs against CDP, TAFII100, Sp1, or G9a. (C) Endogenous hG9a associates with endogenous CDP/cut. The eluates of (His)6-Xpress-CDPC complex in A were immunoprecipitated with anti-CDP Ab, anti-G9a Ab, or normal serum, and the immunoprecipitates were analyzed by Western blot with anti-CDP Ab.