Fig. 1.
Tissue remodeling. (Left) Histological micrographs of the cross sections of the walls of rat pulmonary arteries of various orders. Arteries of decreasing order numbers from 11 to 8 (10) are arranged in columns in increasing row numbers. Each panel shows a full thickness with endothelium on the left and adventitia on the right. The first column shows the wall structure of the controls; the second column shows the wall structure after 10 days of hypertension at 10% O2, recovered for 2 h of rebreathing sea level atmosphere (H10dR2 h). The third column is for rats subjected to hypertension 10 days and recovery of 24 h (H10dR24h). The fourth column is for hypertension 10 days and recovery 10 days (H10dR10d). (Center) Photograph of a polymer cast of normal pulmonary arteries showing the locations of arteries of orders 8-12. (Right) The cross sections of normal pulmonary arteries at zero-stress state. Arteries of decreasing order numbers from 12 to 8 are arranged in the column in increasing row numbers, i.e., the first row for an order 12 vessel, the second row for an order 11 vessel, and the last row for an order 8 vessel. (Left, endothelial).