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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 Nov 1.
Published in final edited form as: Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2016 Sep 4;25(11):1219–1227. doi: 10.1002/pds.4094

Table 1.

Characteristics of study participants at randomization.

Control (n=68) Lottery (n=67) Reminder (n=67) Lottery + Reminder (n=68)
Demographic characteristics
 Age, median (IQR), years 64.0 (60.0–71.0) 62.0 (51.0–68.0) 62.0 (55.0–67.0) 61.5 (51.5–68.5)
 Female sex, n (%) 23 (34) 21 (31) 17 (25) 25 (37)
 African American race, n (%) 46 (68) 54 (81) 44 (67) 52 (78)
 Completed high school, n (%) 45 (66) 29 (43) 33 (49) 29 (43)
 Employment status, n (%)
  Working 8 (12) 6 (9) 8 (12) 10 (15)
  Unemployed 3 (4) 9 (13) 5 (8) 2 (3)
  Retired 30 (44) 33 (49) 27 (40) 23 (34)
  Disabled 27 (40) 19 (28) 27 (40) 33 (49)
 Household income, n (%)
  <100% of federal poverty level 14 (22) 20 (31) 18 (29) 25 (37)
  100–200% of federal poverty level 25 (39) 20 (31) 19 (30) 22 (33)
Control (n=68) Lottery (n=67) Reminder (n=67) Lottery + Reminder (n=68)
  200–300% of federal poverty level 9 (14) 14 (22) 14 (22) 8 (12)
  >300% of federal poverty level 16 (25) 11 (17) 12 (19) 12 (18)
 Insurance statusa
  Medicaid, n (%) 10 (15) 8 (12) 9 (14) 14 (21)
  Medicare, n (%) 40 (59) 33 (51) 27 (42) 27 (40)
  Private, n (%) 28 (41) 22 (34) 26 (41) 26 (38)
  VA, n (%) 30 (44) 28 (43) 22 (34) 23 (34)
  Other, n (%) 0 (0) 3 (5) 1 (2) 0 (0)
  None, n (%) 0 (0) 1 (1) 2 (3) 2 (3)
 Marital status, n (%)
  Currently married 26 (39) 28 (42) 25 (38) 18 (27)
  Separated, divorced, or widowed 27 (40) 27 (40) 30 (46) 34 (51)
  Never married 14 (21) 12 (18) 11 (16) 15 (22)
Warfarin therapy
 Indication for warfarin therapy a
  Atrial fibrillation or flutter 37 (56) 31 (47) 33 (50) 30 (45)
  Deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism 19 (29) 27 (41) 20 (30) 21 (31)
  Mechanical heart valve 9 (14) 0 (0) 7 (11) 5 (8)
  Other 20 (30) 21 (32) 21 (32) 24 (36)
 Prior warfarin use 13 (19) 16 (24) 14 (21) 16 (24)
 Target INR range, n (%)
  2.0–3.0 60 (88) 65 (97) 59 (88) 65 (96)
  2.5–3.5 8 (12) 2 (3) 8 (12) 3 (4)
 INR at enrollment, n (%)
  Below range 13 (19) 14 (21) 15 (22) 14 (21)
  In range 55 (81) 53 (79) 52 (78) 54 (79)
 DASS score, median (IQR) 50.0 (42.5–66.0) 50.0 (39.0–65.0) 48.0 (40.0–63.0) 52.0 (44.5–68.4)
Control (n=68) Lottery (n=67) Reminder (n=67) Lottery + Reminder (n=68)
Medical history
 Body mass index, median (IQR), kg/m2 29.4 (25.8–34.8) 29.2 (24.6–32.3) 29.3 (26.7–35.0) 30.6 (26.7–34.7)
 Smoking status, n (%)
  Current 7 (10) 15 (22) 15 (22) 15 (22)
  Former 36 (53) 28 (42) 27 (40) 32 (47)
  Never 25 (37) 24 (36) 25 (37) 21 (31)
 History of congestive heart failure, n (%) 26 (38) 23 (34) 28 (42) 19 (28)
 History of diabetes mellitus, n (%) 20 (29) 18 (27) 27 (40) 31 (46)
 History of hypertension, n (%) 56 (82) 47 (70) 51 (76) 52 (77)
 History of myocardial infarction, n (%) 14 (21) 13 (20) 13 (20) 13 (19)
 History of stroke, n (%) 18 (27) 14 (21) 13 (19) 9 (13)
 General health status, n (%)
  Excellent 1 (1) 3 (4) 1 (2) 2 (3)
  Very good 8 (12) 5 (7) 10 (15) 8 (12)
Control (n=68) Lottery (n=67) Reminder (n=67) Lottery + Reminder (n=68)
  Good 21 (31) 28 (42) 25 (37) 22 (32)
  Fair 30 (44) 26 (39) 27 (40) 34 (50)
  Poor 8 (12) 5 (7) 4 (6) 2 (3)
 Short form (SF-36) health survey
  Physical score, median (IQR) 36.7 (29.0–43.7) 36.6 (28.6–45.9) 39.4 (33.6–47.6) 36.7 (29.1–43.8)
  Mental score, median (IQR) 51.6 (41.0–59.0) 53.2 (42.6–59.3) 51.3 (43.4–57.3) 52.3 (46.8–59.1)
 CCSE score, median (IQR) 27.0 (23.5–29.0) 26.0 (23.0–29.0) 27.0 (24.0–29.0) 27.0 (24.0–29.0)

IQR, inter-quartile range (25th-75th percentile); CCSE, Cognitive Capacity Screening Examination; DASS, Duke Anticoagulation Satisfaction Survey


Participants could report more than one source of health insurance and more than one indication for warfarin therapy.