Figure 4. The (renormalized) DOS of the NH3 molecule (left) and of the Fe (110) surface (right) as obtained from spin-polarized DFT calculations.
The results are shown with respect to the Fermi energy. As an illustration, we show the interaction of the NH3 lone-pair level (at −0.5 eV) with the two d-band centers (εd↑ and εd↓) of the Fe (110) surface. It can be easily understood that the lone-pair-εd↓ interaction is attractive (the metal-adsorbate bonding and anti-bonding states are shown as black) since εd↓ is unoccupied, while the lone-pair-εd↑ interaction (the metal-adsorbate bonding and anti-bonding states are shown as blue in this case) has a repulsive contribution as well because εd↑ has an occupation of f↑. The magnitude of the bonding-anti-bonding split is larger for minority spin.