Figure 3. Temporal evolution of ocean heat loss, buoyancy frequency and mean buoyancy frequency in the Irminger Sea.
(a) The bars represent the integrated ocean heat loss from November to April based on ERA-Interim reanalysis data. The hatched part indicates the heat loss associated with tip jet events. The red solid line is the mean ocean heat loss from November to April from 1979 to 2015, the red dashed lines represent ±1 s.d. The blue solid line is the mean ocean heat loss associated with tip jet events from November to April from 1979 to 2015, the blue dashed lines represent ±1 s.d. (b) Interpolated buoyancy frequency with depth and time, based on Argo data. The white bars represent the 95th percentile of the February–April mixed layer depth (greater than 80% of deepest recorded mixed layer depth of individual floats). The black dotted lines highlight 500 and 1,000 m depth. The vertical bars on top denote the sampling time of each profile in the Irminger Sea. (c) Mean buoyancy frequency over 500–1,000 m. The grey bars highlight the convective season (February–April). The black dotted lines are least-square fits over the low-passed envelope of mean buoyancy frequency for 2002–2007 (R2=0.50), 2008–2011 (R2=0.65) and 2012–2015 (R2=0.20).