One‐dimensional 1H NMR spectra, showing (A), the metabolic similarity of 4T1‐GFP cells grown in vivo as a subcutaneous tumour () or in vitro () in culture flasks, (B), the metabolic distinctness of 4T1‐GFP mouse mammary carcinoma cells () from naïve mouse brain () and (C), the similarity of the broad line shape component of the spectrum from cell lysate of 4T1‐GFP cells () to the PCA extract of the same cell line supplemented with 8% w/v BSA (). Coloured arrows signify relative differences between spectra, and * signifies signal from a contaminant from the PCA extraction procedure. ~ signifies points where the peaks exceed the axis limits. Numbers are metabolite identification: 1, Lac; 2, NAA; 3, Glu; 4, Gln; 5, NAA; 6, Asp; 7, Cr/PCr; 8, PC/GPC; 9, Tau; 10, Myo‐ins; 11, Asc/Gln/Glu/GSH; 12, Cr/PCr