Table 1. Token probabilities and reward distributions, gambling rooms and choice scenarios in Experiment 1.
Token Outcomes | Rooms | Choice scenarios | |||||
blue | green | red | High Div. | Zero Div. | a vs. e | d vs. e | |
A1 & A2 | 0.0 | 0.7 | 0.3 | a. A1 & A3 | e. A1 & A2 | a vs. f | d vs. f |
A3 & A4 | 0.7 | 0.0 | 0.3 | b. A2 & A4 | f. A3 & A4 | b vs. e | a vs. b |
Balanced | $2 | $2 | $1 | c. A1 & A4 | b vs. f | e vs. f | |
Unbalanced 1 | $1 | $2 | $3 | d. A2 & A3 | c vs. e | ||
Unbalanced 2 | $2 | $1 | $3 | c vs. f |
The top two rows in the 2nd column indicate the probability of each colored token given either of the actions listed to the left; the bottom three rows indicate the monetary value of each token in balanced and unbalanced blocks. The third column shows the pair of actions available in each room, and the fourth column the combination of rooms into choice scenarios.