Figure 3.
FLIM of DOPC GUVs containing BODIPY‐C10 as a viscosity probe and either TPP (A, B) or TPPS4− (C, D) as photosensitizers during irradiation at 420 nm. TPP was embedded in the lipid bilayer at 1:1000 lipid‐to‐dye ratio, whereas TPPS4− was directly dissolved in water (10 μm). The irradiated GUVs are shown by red arrows; irradiation times are shown above the images. The lifetime distributions of irradiated vesicles (B, D) are shown in the panels below each image. During irradiation, some vesicles leaked lipid material or underwent deformation before returning back to a spherical shape following further irradiation. The lifetime of BODIPY‐C10 increased from 1544±49 to 2737±138 ps (176±8 to 482±48 cP) using TPP and from 1598±38 to 2486±190 ps (186±7 to 399±55 cP) using TPPS4−.