Table 5. Data relating to symptomatic, non-consulting participants who visited GPs <1 month post survey completion (n = 16).
No. | Age | Gender | Current smoker | Symptoms reported in questionnaire | No. of days to consultation | Reason for seeking help | Investigations | Outcome |
1 | 52 | Male | Yes | Cough >12m, sob> 12m, fatigue> 12m, | 27 | Cough | Bloods, CXR (lung changes) | COPD Diagnosed, referred for SCA |
2 | 61 | Male | Yes | SoB, Fatigue, voice changes | 26 | Cough, SoB | Bloods,CXR (lung changes) | Asthma Diagnosed, referred for SCA |
3 | 58 | Female | Yes | Tiredness 3m | 11 | Cough | Health Check | Referred for SCA |
4 | 56 | Female | Yes | Wt loss | 17 | Wt loss. | Bloods–NAD | Health check; referred for SCA |
5 | 57 | Male | Yes | Cough 4-12m | 19 | Cough | Bloods–NAD | Referred for SCA |
6 | 63 | Male | Yes | C/P >12m | 23 | Cough | - | Treated for chest infection Abx & follow up |
7 | 55 | Male | No | Cough– 3m | 21 | Cough | - | Treated for chest infection Abx; Health Check |
8 | 56 | Female | Yes | Cough >12m | 10 | Cough | - | Treated for chest infection Referred for SCA |
9 | 68 | Male | No | Cough 4-12m, Increasing ch/infections; voice changes | 5 | Cough, Ch/inf | CXR (lung changes) | Emphysema diagnosed |
10 | 54 | Male | No | C/P 4-12m, | 24 | C/P, breathing changes | Bloods–NAD | Treated for chest infection ABx & followed up |
11 | 56 | Male | No | C/P>12m, cough >12m, sweats >12m, Weight loss | 27 | Slight wheeze | Bloods–NAD | Watch &Wait (WW); no follow-up recorded. |
12 | 53 | Male | Yes | Breathing changes>12m | 17 | Breathing changes | CXR–NAD | Hypertension Diagnosed & Obesity. Refered for lifestyle counselling/ SCA |
13 | 83 | Female | No | Tiredness 3m, voice changes | 23 | Tiredness | Bloods–NAD | Depression Diagnosed & insomnia. Refered for counselling |
14 | 55 | Female | Yes | Tiredness >12m | 14 | Fatigue | Bloods–NAD | Health check; referred for SCA |
15 | 57 | Male | Yes | Weight loss | 18 | Weight loss | CXR–NAD | Refered for lifestyle counselling/ SCA |
16 | 65 | Female | Yes | Tiredness >12m | 15 | Tiredness | Health check | Refered for SCA |
17 | 67 | Female | Yes | TBA | 23 | Cough | - | Treated for chest infection Referred for SCA |
18 | 74 | Male | No | TBA | 16 | Cough | - | Treated for chest infection |
Note: Abx: antibiotics; Ch/inf: chest infection; CP: chest pain; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CXR: chest X-ray; NAD: no abnormalities discovered; SCA: smoking cessation advice; SoB: shortness of breath.