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. 2016 May 26;46(12):1819–1831. doi: 10.1007/s40279-016-0553-6

Table 2.

Details of review items relating to scalability framework

Component Variable Operational definition Assessment criteria
Delivery Test environment Information relating to whether the field testing was conducted in a school setting Yes = test performed in a school setting
No = test not performed in a school setting
Test duration Expected or actual duration of the field test protocol reported Yes = duration of test/trial reported
Testing interval Duration relating to the interval over which the testing was conducted Yes = duration reported
Delivery staff Information relating to the personnel used to administer the testing protocols and record the results Yes = tests performed by usual service delivery staff (PE teachers)
No = Researchers or clinicians administered tests
Evidence of operating at scale Sample size Evidence that the field test has been used to assess fitness of young people at a national/population level Yes = field test administered at a national or international level
Partial = field test has been implemented in multiple testing settings within a local area
No = small sample used/single school
Number of schools Evidence that the implementation of the field test is likely to be acceptable to multiple target schools when scaled up Yes = multiple schools used in study
No = single or no school used
Effectiveness Validity How well a specific test measures what it intends to measure Yes = strong or moderate evidence of acceptable criterion related validity of test
No = limited evidence
Test–retest reliability The consistency of performer/s scoring over repeated rounds of testing Yes = strong or moderate evidence of acceptable test–retest reliability
No = limited evidence
Reach and adoption Differential effect, reach and adoption across target groups, socioeconomic status and settings Yes = reach and adoption is reported
Completion rates Measure of acceptability to individuals Yes = completion rates are reported
Cost considerations Cost effectiveness Information relating to the cost of the field test per head is provided Yes = cost per head of test is reported
Resource requirements Information relating to the required resources in terms of equipment, space, skills, competencies, workforce, and financial requirements provided Yes = resource requirements are reported
Partial = only limited reporting concerning some elements
Practical implementation issues/considerations The ease with which the field test can be undertaken, administered and scored Yes = feasibility/practicality is discussed
Partial = only limited reference to practicality issues included in discussion

PE physical education, NR not reported