Figure 1. Standardized Direct Coefficients for the Mediation Model of the Relationship Between Spiritual Well-Being, Family Strengths and Dyadic Adjustment.
CS, commitment to stability; CG, commitment to growth; C/CR, communication/conflict resolution; CFI, 0.98; DCon., dyadic consensus; DSat., dyadic satisfaction; DCoh., dyadic cohesion; χ2/DF, 1.77; DA, dyadic adjustment; EWB, existential well-being; GFI, 0.96; NLI, 0.96; PWSO, personal worth of self and others; PI/A, positive interaction/appreciation; P, 0.005; RMSEA, 0.054; Hoelter's index = 253 (0.01); RWB, religious well-being; SWB, spiritual well-being; TT, time spent together.