Figure 8.
Representative reaction progress curves for the hydrolysis of glucosinolates ([Gluc]0 = 250 µM) at variable temperature and pH 7.4 (227 nm). The concentration of myrosinase was constant for each substrate: 5, 7.06 U ml−1; 6, 1.77 U ml−1. HPLC chromatogram peak areas at specific wavelengths were used to determine [Gluc]t and [ITC]t, at each timepoint, and the data (n = 3) was fitted to a reaction progress curve using nonlinear regression. The dotted line denotes the sum of [Gluc] + [ITC] at each timepoint, and its slope represents product loss over time. Reaction progress curves for all other temperature-wavelength combinations are available [34]. A. Hydrolysis of 5, 18 °C. B. Hydrolysis of 6, 18 °C. C. Hydrolysis of 5, 45 °C. D. Hydrolysis of 6, 45 °C. E. Hydrolysis of 5, 65 °C. F. Hydrolysis of 6, 65 °C.