Figure 3.
Diversity of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae isolates associated with muskox mortalities on Banks and Victoria Islands (VI). This maximum likelihood tree (rooted to the most closely related isolate from Alaska muskox AKM3) is based on high quality single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) found taking a reference-based mapping approach. Isolate names include year of isolation, island (Banks or VI) and tissue of origin (fe, feces; il, ileum; kid, kidney; lu, lungs; ma, bone marrow; MLN, mesenteric lymph node; PLN, pharyngeal lymph node; sp, spleen; to, tonsil). Parts of the tree (in colored rectangles) are enlarged to show the distances among closely related isolates. The scale bar to the right shows the branch length equivalent to 1 SNP within these magnified areas of the tree. The inferred common ancestor of all the isolates from the two islands within the clonal lineage (n = 44) is shown by (*), while the majority of the isolates (n = 38) share a more recent common ancestor shown by (**). All branches in zoomed boxes originating from this point are shown to scale. Blue stars indicate isolates from MX10-3, from which a more divergent isolate was found in its pre-scapular lymph node (Figure 4B).