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. 2016 Nov 7;10:258. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2016.00258

Table 2.

Basic electrophysiological properties of principal neurons in area CA3 in acute hippocampal slices from WT and S1P3/ mice.

CA3 WT (n = 21) S1P3/ (n = 21) p-value
Series resistance [MΩ] 19.6±0.8 21.6±0.8 0.0994
Capacitance [pF] 137.9±6.5 123.2±62 0.0741
Input resistance [MΩ] 331.2±21.6 251.3±16.8 0.0048**
Resting membrane potential [mV] −66.1±1.4 −65.2±1.5 0.6689
Rheobase [pA] 125.7±11.1 150.0±19.5 0.4256
AP no. in ramp based on 1x rheobase 10.2±1.5 7.5±1.0 0.2714
Interspike intervals [ms] 167.2±14.1 268.1±58.8 0.0536
AP no. in ramp based on 2x rheobase 23.8±1.6 18.8±2.3 0.0659
Interspike intervals [ms] 105.3±15.7 235.1±46.7 0.0021**
AP threshold [mV] −37.3±1.0 −39.2±1.0 0.2085
AP overshoot [mV] 57.7±0.6 56.8±1.2 0.9298
AP afterhyperpolarization [mV] −50.0±0.7 −50.7±0.6 0.2794
τAHP [ms] 3.1±0.48 3.3±0.36 0.3024
AP amplitude [mV] 94.9±1.5 96.0±1.8 0.5294
AP duration [ms] 1.1±0.08 1.1±0.06 0.2905
Depolarization speed [mV/ms] 449.4±26.5 414.3±25.5 0.3651
Repolarization speed [mV/ms] −74.3±3.9 −70.6±3.2 0.4812

Data are presented as mean ± SEM (Mann-Whitney U-test:


p <0.01). No correction for multiple comparisons has been performed. Bold values are statistically significant values.