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. 2016 Oct 13;99(5):1015–1033. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2016.08.022

Table 5.

DGAP259: Significant Protein-Coding Genes Surrounding the Breakpoints according to TADs and Convergent Genomic Evidence

Gene Nucleotides (GRCh37/hg19) Description OMIM37 OMIM Morbid37 DDG2P39 HI (%)36 Notes
3p26.3 Breakpoints on Rearrangement_D (1,408,99{6}) and Rearrangement_G (1,408,984)

1,134,260–1,445,901 contactin 6 607220 39.69 no reported phenotype association; neural adhesion molecule48
CNTN4 2,140,497–3,099,645 contactin 4 607280 6.9 disrupted in a subject with a 3p deletion syndrome (autosomal-dominant) phenotype49 (cerebral and renal malformation phenotype of DGAP259)

3p26.3 Breakpoints on Rearrangement_D (1,408,99{6}) and Rearrangement_G (1,408,984)

17,198,654–18,486,309 TBC1 domain family member 5 615740 5.84 no reported phenotype association
SATB1a 18,386,879–18,487,080 SATB homeobox 1 602075 2.15 global genome organizer50, 51 (complex chromosomal rearrangement of DGAP259); role in neuronal plasticity of cortical neurons and regulation of key neuronal genes52, 53 (cerebral malformation phenotype of DGAP259)

5q14.3 Breakpoints on Rearrangement_B (88,756,2{48-56}) and Rearrangement_E (88,756,2{39-40})

MEF2C 88,013,975–88,199,922 myocyte enhancer factor 2C 600662 + + 0.26 haploinsufficiency (autosomal dominant, monoallelic) associated with mental retardation, stereotypic movements, epilepsy, and cerebral malformations (MIM: 613443)47, 54 (cerebral malformation and hypoplastic corpus callosum phenotype of DGAP259); role in synaptic plasticity and hippocampal-dependent learning and memory55 (9p23 breakpoints of DGAP259 disrupt PTPRD1 with similar role)
CETN3 89,688,078–89,705,603 centrin 3 602907 5.94 present in centrosomes and important role in early cleavage of frog embryos56 (complex chromosomal rearrangement of DGAP259)

7q35 Breakpoints on Rearrangement_B (147,718,91{1-9}) and Rearrangement_E (147,718,90{7-8})

145,813,453–148,118,090 contactin associated protein-like 2 604569 + + 4.94 susceptibility to autism type 15;57 homozygous or compound-heterozygous mutations cause Pitt-Hopkins-like syndrome 1 (MIM: 610042)58 (cerebral malformation phenotype of DGAP259; 18q21 breakpoints are one TAD downstream of TCF4, associated with Pitt-Hopkins syndrome)
CUL1a 148,395,006–148,498,128 cullin 1 603134 4.3 regulates the mammalian G1/S transition59
EZH2a 148,504,475–148,581,413 enhancer of zeste 2 polycomb repressive complex 2 subunit 601573 + + 3.07 has a critical role during normal and perturbed development of the hematopoietic and central nervous systems,60 maintains homeotic gene repression, and is thought to control gene expression by regulating chromatin61 (cerebral malformation and complex chromosomal rearrangement of DGAP259)

7q36.3 Breakpoints on Rearrangement_A (155,701,797) and Rearrangement_C (155,700,873)

SHH 155,592,680–155,604,967 sonic hedgehog 600725 + + 0.66 haploinsufficiency (autosomal dominant, monoallelic) associated with HPE3,62 which has a long-range regulation-associated phenotype63 (cerebral malformation phenotype of DGAP259)

9p23 Breakpoints on Rearrangement_F (9,646,47{5}) and Rearrangement_I (9,646,471)

8,314,246–10,612,723 protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type D 601598 0.14 homozygous microdeletion causes trigonocephaly, hearing loss, and intellectual disability, which overlap the autosomal-dominant 9p deletion syndrome64 (cerebral malformation phenotype of DGAP259); role in synaptic plasticity and hippocampal-dependent learning and memory65 (5q14.3 breakpoints are within the same TAD as MEF2C with similar role)

18p11.31 Breakpoints on Rearrangement_D (6,375,05{1}), Rearrangement_G (6,559,611), and Rearrangement_H (6,375,0{52-48} and 6,559,{598-602})

5,954,705–6,415,236 L(3)Mbt-like 4 (Drosophila) 59.07 no reported phenotype association

18q21.3 Breakpoints on Rearrangement_F (54,660,13{8}) and Rearrangement_I (54,660,136)

TCF4a 52,889,562–53,332,018 transcription factor 4 602272 + + 0.38 haploinsufficiency (autosomal dominant, monoallelic) is associated with Pitt-Hopkins syndrome66 (cerebral malformation phenotype of DGAP259, 7q35 breakpoints disrupt CNTNAP2, related to Pitt-Hopkins-like syndrome58)
54,318,574–54,698,828 WD repeat domain 7 613473 14.85 no reported phenotype association; localized to synaptic vesicles in rat and mouse brain67
NEDD4La 55,711,599–56,068,772 neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally down-regulated 4-like, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 606384 8.66 regulator of renal sodium channels; involved in induction of mesoendodermal fates in mouse embryonic stem cells68 (renal malformation phenotype of DGAP259)

Abbreviations are as follows: DDG2P, Developmental Disorders Genotype-to-Phenotype database; HI, haploinsufficiency index; and HPD3, holoprosencephaly type 3.


Although not located within the same hESC TAD18 as the breakpoint, these genes might be relevant to the phenotype of DGAP259 given the complexity of the rearrangement.