Protein expression function classification of 72 h haploid versus diploid C. albicans biofilms. Two commonly used C. albicans diploids (SC5314 and BWP17) and two standard haploids (GZY792 and GZY803) were used in this study. Fungal cells cultured overnight at 30 °C in GMM (supplemented with required amino acids) were used to allow biofilm development at 37 °C. Proteins from 72-h biofilms were extracted and processed for iTRAQ mass spectrometry. A, Percentage of similarities and differences in proteomes of haploid compared with diploid biofilm were represented. B, Clustered display of haploid biofilms' protein expression profiles as normalized to diploids generated using Cluster and Tree view software. C, Biological processes, molecular functions, and cellular components that are similarly regulated in haploid and diploid biofilms. Biological processes, molecular functions, and cellular components that are significantly higher (D) and lower (E) in the haploid compared with the diploid biofilm.