Fig. 5.
Investigation of PopZ structure. (A) The probability of intrinsic disorder over the primary sequence of PopZ (red line), represented as the average scores from Metadisorder MD2, DnDisorder, MFDp2, and SPINE-D. MoRF probability (blue line), represented as average score from ANCHOR, MoRFpred, and MoRFCHiBi_WEB. Results of individual programs are shown in SI Appendix, Fig. S8. (B) Analysis of PopZ∆134–177 by circular dichroism. Strong negative signal at 195–200 nm indicates random coil. (C) Two-dimensional 1H-15N HSQC NMR spectra of PopZΔ134–177, before mixing (red peaks) and after mixing (black peaks) with the indicated excess unlabeled protein. The two outlier peaks at <7.7 ppm (1H) and 112 ppm (15N) are signals from glutamine side chains and are not an indication of local structure.