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. 2016 Nov 8;10:88. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2016.00088



Propagation of dendritic EPSPs demonstrates differences in integration complexity between PCs and different types of INs. (A) A single excitatory synaptic conductance was placed on a mid-distal dendrite in each of the four cell types. The potentials in different domains of the cells were calculated and are shown for the SS (green) and the HCS (black). Somatic location is indicated by a larger dot. Note that the local potential is very large (green and black arrowheads) in the thin dendrites of the PC and the CR cells with a small drop toward the end of the local branch, and a steeper drop toward the soma. While the potentials hardly spread to other dendrites in the PC and CR cells they spread effectively for PV and CCK cells causing a steady depolarization throughout all compartments (green and black arrows). Both the local potential and the spread breaks down strongly in the HCS (black) compared to the SS (green). (B,C) The same as (A) but with enlarged scales for the potential to show what happens in the proximal/perisomatic region. A large drop is observed when the dendrite connects to the apical trunk (PC) or through a primary dendrite to the soma (CR), and then the potentials spread with only small further attenuation in the proximal dendrites/apical trunk. The attenuation of voltage signals is greatly enhanced in the HCS. In PV and CCK cells the local potential is smaller, but spreads effectively into all compartments of the neuron in the SS. The spread in the physiological HCS is still more effective for the PV and CCK cell (arrows in C), but now it fails for the distal compartments in these cells as well. (D) We also examined the effects of perisomatic inhibition. In the silent case inhibition completely propagates into all compartments for the PV and CCK cells and it spreads reasonably well in the PC and CR cell as well. However, in the HCS the spread is weaker; perisomatic inhibition still has some effect distally for PV and CCK cells, but totally vanishes beyond proximal compartments for the PC and CR cells (red shading).