Figure 6. MYO18A and its interaction partners are required for adhesion of muscle cells on ECM.
Myoblasts were taken from the somites of indicated control or morphant embryos at 24 hpf, and cultured on laminin substrate for 12 and 24 hours. (A-B’) CoMO-injected myoblasts efficiently adhere and extensively elongate to form multinucleated cells on laminin-coated substrate. (C-D’) myo18a (myo18aa and myo18ab) morphant myoblasts exhibit strongly reduced adhesion at 12 hours, and decreased ability to form elongated and multinucleated myofibers at 24 hours. (E-F’) lurap1 morphant myoblasts adhere less efficiently to laminin-coated substrate at 12 hours, and elongate at a reduced extent. (G-H’) p190RhoGEFMO severely impairs myoblast adhesion, morphology and formation of elongated myofibers. (I-J’) Golgin45MO strongly affects myoblast adhesion at 12 hours, with few cells elongated at 24 hours. (K) Statistical analysis of elongated myoblast cells. Numbers on the top of each column indicate total cells scored from two independent experiments. (L,M) Positive MF20 immunostaining of cultured myoblast cells from CoMO- and myo18aMO-injected embryos. Scale bars: (A–J) 100 μm; (B’,D’,F’,H’,J’) 50 μm; (L,M) 50 μm.