Figure 7. MYO18A and its interaction partners are required for maintaining the morphology of the Golgi and the organization of F-actin network.
Staining of the Golgi apparatus by GM130 antibody, F-actin by TRITC-phalloidin and cell nuclei by DAPI was performed in myoblasts cultured for 24 hours in laminin-coated substrate. (A-D’) Localization of the juxtanuclear cis-Golgi and the organization of F-actin bundles in CoMO-injected cells. (E-H’) Knockdown of myo18a (myo18aa and myo18ab) reduces the intensity of GM130 labelling in juxtanuclear cis-Golgi and leads to a disrupted F-actin organization (arrows in G,H). (I-L’) Knockdown of lurap1 leads to diffuse GM130 staining and disrupts F-actin bundles within the cells, resulting in phalloidin staining accumulated at the periphery. (M-P’) Diffuse GM130 staining and strongly reduced F-actin bundles in p190RhoGEF morphant myoblast cells. (Q-T’) Knockdown of Golgin45 severely reduces the formation of the Golgi apparatus and F-actin bundles. Scale bars: (A–D,E–H,I–L,M–P,Q–T) 20 μm; (D’,H’,L’,P’T’) 10 μm.