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. 2016 Jul 3;6(4):e35983. doi: 10.5812/aapm.35983

Table 1. Headache Characteristics Before and After Peripheral Scalp Neurostimulationa.

No Sex Age, y History of HA HA Frequency HA Duration TPI TPI Reduction (%) Nerve(s) Stimulated Self-Rated Outcome F/U Duration Comments (See Tab 2)
Before After Before After Before After
1 a F 47 14 daily rarely constant 2 h 574 140 75.6 L. occi /supra/auri good 9
2 a M 48 5 daily 1 - 2/w constant 2 - 3 h 390 88 77.4 Bil. occi/supra/auri good 9 1
3 a M 53 15 daily 1 - 2/w constant 2 - 3 h 854 124 85.5 Bil. occi excellent 2 2
4 F 54 15 daily none constant none 364 0 100 Bil. occi/supra excellent 5 3
5 F 46 6 daily rarely constant 2 - 3 h 630 28 95 Bil. occi /supra good 7 4
6 F 42 5 daily 2/w constant 2 - 3h 420 48 88.6 L. occi/supra good 7
7 F 62 15 daily 1 - 2/w constant 3 - 4 h 840 36 95.7 Bil. occi excellent 7
8 F 50 20 5/w none constant none 504 0 100 Bil. occi excellent 7
9 M 59 15 daily daily 8 - 9 hours 2 - 3 h 364 140 61.5 L. occi/supra fair 6
10 M 66 20 daily none 0.5 to 1 h none 336 0 100 L. occi/supra excellent 6
11 F 38 5 daily rarely constant 1 - 2 h 350 32 90.9 R. occi/supra excellent 6
12 F 50 20 daily rarely constant 1 - 2 h 364 32 91.2 R. occi/supra excellent 6
13 F 60 20 daily none constant none 434 0 100 L. occi excellent 6
14 F 41 3 daily 1/w constant 1-2 h 616 10 98.4 Bil. cci/supra/auri very good 6
15 F 51 5 daily 3/w constant 1 - 2 h 504 16 96.8 Bil. occi excellent 6
16 M 31 3 daily none 8 - 12 h none 390 0 100 L. occi/supra excellent 5
17 F 33 2 daily rarely constant 0.5 - 1 h 476 4 99.2 R. occi/supra excellent 4
18 F 23 3 daily 3 - 5/w constant 2 - 3 h 532 124 76.7 Bil. supra good 4
19 F 48 5 daily 2 - 3/w constant 2 - 3 h 530 120 77.3 R. occi/auri excellent 4
20 F 37 3.5 daily 3/w constant 1 - 2 h 420 96 77.1 R. occi/supra good 2.5
21 F 24 5 daily daily constant 12 h 840 336 60 Bil. occi/supra good 1.5
22 F 22 13 daily daily constant 14 h 868 280 68 Bil. occi/supra good 1.5
23 F 56 25 daily rarely constant 1 - 2 h 360 60 83.3 Bil. occi excellent 0.3 5
24 F 58 5 daily rarely constant 2 - 3 h 435 80 81.6 Bil. occi good 0.3 6

Abbreviations: Freq, frequency; HA, headache; Dur, duration; Bil, bilateral; L, left; R, right; h, hour; F/U, follow-up; occi, occipital nerve; supra, supraorbital nerve; auri, auriculotemporal nerve.

aPatients number 1 - 3 were the early cases with silastic anchors. The other patients (numbers 4 - 24) were treated using the revised surgical technique.