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. 2016 Jul 3;6(4):e35983. doi: 10.5812/aapm.35983

Table 2. The Complications and Comments from Table 1.

No. Complications Years after the implant Management Outcome
1 Excellent. Pt remained with leads
One supraorbital lead migration 1 year Lead revision
Infection over one side of plastic anchor due to skin erosion 1.5 years Local debridement & lead revision
Infection at the other side due to a similar cause 2 years Lead revision
2 Infection over the plastic anchor due to skin erosion 2 years Device removal
3 Pain at the battery sites (subclavicular) 3 years Batteries relocated from the infraclavicular fossa to the buttocks Excellent. Pt remained with leads
4 Infection at neck over the anchor knot 4 years Debridement Excellent. Pt remained with leads
5 Skin allergic reaction to the lead component 3 months Failed conservative therapy & device removal (18).
6 The patient reported significant headache reduction after implantation. However, three months later she requested device removal due to her religious beliefs. 3 months Device removal