Figure 5.
Callose degradation is retarded in osdex1. A to D, TEM of extracellular materials from the wild type and osdex1 at stage 9 (A and B), and stage 10 (C and D). Black arrows show the site of callose deposition. E to L, Immunolabeling of wild-type (E–H) and osdex1 (I–L) anther sections from stage 7 to stage 10 observed by epifluorescence microscopy. M to P, Negative controls of immunolabeling. In (E) to (P), the green channel shows immunostaining with callose antibody; blue counterstaining shows 1,4- and 1,3;1,4-glucan polymers stained with 0.01% calcofluor white; and red staining shows background autofluorescence. Bars = 2 μm (A), 5 μm (B–D), and 15 μm (E–P).