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. 2016 Sep 20;172(3):1643–1656. doi: 10.1104/pp.16.01211

Figure 8.

Figure 8.

The pex12-1 defects are suppressed by impairing the PEX4 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme. A, Seedlings were grown with the indicated supplements under yellow-filtered light for 8 d. Mean root lengths and sd of the means are shown (n ≥ 22). B, The pex4 mutations improve thiolase and PMDH PTS2 processing in light-grown pex12-1 seedlings. Protein extracts of 8-d-old light-grown seedlings were processed for immunoblotting. C, The pex4 mutations restore PEX10 levels in pex12-1. Protein extracts of 4-d-old light-grown seedlings were processed for immunoblotting. D, The pex4 mutations improve pex12-1 growth on medium lacking Suc. Seedlings were grown under yellow-filtered light for 1 d followed by 4 d in the dark. Mean hypocotyl lengths and sd of the means are shown (n ≥ 22). E, pex4-2 improves thiolase PTS2 processing in dark-grown pex12-1 seedlings. Protein extracts of 5-d-old dark-grown seedlings were processed for immunoblotting.