Figure 2. Administration of DATS or overexpression of CSE potentiated diabetic BMC-mediated blood perfusion in IHL of db/db mice.
Diabetic BMCs were isolated from 12-week-old db/db mice by gradient centrifugation, then transfected with GFP (MOI: 1, BMCs) or RFP-labeled CSE lentivirus (MOI: 1, CSE-BMC) in the presence of polybrene (8 μg/ml) for 48 hrs. (A) db/db mice received diabetic BMCs or CSE-BMCs by local intramuscular injection (5×105) immediately following left femoral artery ligation (ischemic limb). DATS (2 mg/kg/day) was given by gavage starting on the first day post-ligation for 3 weeks. Doppler images for blood perfusion of IHL were taken at 0, 7, 14 and 21 days post-ligation. Ischemic limb blood perfusion was presented as ratio of blood flow in ischemic limbs divided by that in normal hind limb. Mice were euthanized at 21 days post-ligation. (B) Representative images showing blood flow recovery on days 0 and 21. (C) Quantification of perfusion ratio of blood flow recovery in ischemic limbs. n=5–7, *p<0.05 vs db/+ mice; †p<0.05 vs db/db mice; ‡p<0.05 vs db/db+BMCs; #p<0.05 vs db/db+DATS. BMCs, bone marrow cells; I, ischemic limb; HLI, hind limb ischemia; N, normal limb.