a MetaCore pathway analysis indicated that cell cycle regulation (p value = 4.320e−25) and Calcium signaling (p value = 2.681e−10) and stem cell signaling (p value = 1.421e−8) and were significantly associated with IS treated microarray datasets. b Metacore pathway analysis indicated that Development_Role of HDAC and calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase (CaMK) signaling pathways were significantly modulated after indoxyl sulfate treatment (p value = 4.413e−2). c CaMK signaling pathways were identified from MetaCore database (p < 0.05 means significant different in statistical analysis. B binding, CM covalent modifications, +P phosphorylation, T transformation, Tn transport, Z catalysis, TR transcription regulation, IE influence on expression, GR group relation, CM covalent modifications. Green arrow means positive/activation of process. Red arrow means negative/inhibition of process. Grey arrow means unspecified process. (Color figure online)