Table 1.
Sample descriptives and correlations for mood and interoception indicators.
Indicator | Mean | SD | Correlation with IA |
Heartbeat counting accuracy | 63.04 | 17.28 | – |
MASQ-S – total score | 126.42 | 29.9 | −0.38b |
MASQ-S – general distress | 44.92 | 14.40 | −0.38b |
MASQ-S – anxious arousal | 25.73 | 7.56 | −0.23a |
MASQ-S – anhedonia | 55.77 | 13.32 | −0.32b |
RSQ-RSS - brooding | 10.03 | 3.55 | −0.18 |
RSQ-RSS – pondering | 8.97 | 3.34 | −0.08 |
Time perception % accuracy | 61.57 | 9.34 | −0.42b |
Body mass index | 26.70 | 6.16 | −0.08 |
Resting HR (bpm) | 75.39 | 10.13 | −0.25a |
Resting HR estimate (bpm) | 56.78 | 24.01 | 0.31b |
HR variability (SDNN) | 69.66 | 27.54 | 0.18 |
Physical activity (min/week) | 244.18 | 181.52 | 0.19 |
Blood pressure (Systolic) | 118.90 | 12.18 | −0.00 |
Blood pressure (Diastolic) | 69.56 | 8.58 | 0.09 |
Skin conductance (spontaneous fluctuations/min) | 3.38 | 4.04 | 0.04 |
Note: MASQ-S = Mood and Anxiety Symptom Questionnaire – Short Form; RSQ-RSS = Response Styles Questionnaire – Ruminative Response Scale; IA = Interoceptive Awareness (indexed by heartbeat counting accuracy); bpm = beats per minute; HR = heart rate; SDNN = Standard deviation of normal-to-normal R-R intervals.
Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).