Comparison of the FMRFamide-like immunoreactive nervous system in Dinophilus. The nervous structures are colour coded (acetylated α-tubulin-like immunoreactive structures are labelled in grey, FMRFamide-like immunoreactive elements in dark purple); female Dinophilus gyrociliatus are depicted on the left hand, females of D. taeniatus on the right hand. Stages are indicated by silhouettes next to the figure capture (also indicating the size difference at this stage between the two species D. gyrociliatus in white and D. taeniatus in orange), and the assignment to the respective stage next to them. The first signs of difference between the two species are emphasized by a yellow dashed-lined frame around the picture. a Early embryo (3 days in D. gyrociliatus or 7–9 days in D. taeniatus after the eggs are deposited, respectively), b late embryo (5–5.5 or 12–14 days after the eggs are deposited, respectively), c prehatching females (5.5 or 13–20 days after the eggs have been deposited, respectively), d early juveniles, e adult females (older than 14 days or several weeks after the eggs are deposited, respectively). Abbreviations: acom – anterior commissure, an – anus, br – brain, cb1-14 – ciliary band 1–14, cbg – ciliary band gland, cch – compound cilia of the head, cec – circumesophageal commissure, com 1–5 – commissure 1–5, ds – digestive system, e – eye, fhg – FMRFamide-LIR ring around the midgut – hindgut transition, fnp – FMRFamide-LIR part of the neuropil, fp – FMRFamide-LIR perikaryon, fpbr – FMRFamide-LIR perikaryon of the brain, fphg – FMRFamide-LIR perikaryon of the nerve ring around the midgut-hindgut transition, fpst – FMRFamide-LIR perikaryon of the stomatogastric nerve ring, lpn – longitudinal peripheral nerve, mcom – median commissure (= only commissure in D. taeniatus late hatchlings and adults), mo – mouth opening, mvn – medioventral nerve, nacb – lateral nerve anterior to the ciliary band, ncb – nerve of the ciliary band, nar – nerves innervating the anterior rim, nis – intersegmental lateral nerve, nlcf – nerve innervating the lateral ciliary field, np – neuropil, npcb – lateral nerve posterior to the ciliary band, pcom – posterior commissure, pmvn – paramedioventral nerve, pyg – pygidium, stnr – stomatogastric nerve ring, tcom – terminal commissure, vlnc – ventrolateral nerve cord