Musculature of the digestive system in juvenile Dinophilus gyrociliatus females. Phalloidin-labelled actin-filaments shown in green, labelling of DNA with DAPI shown in blue, animals are oriented with the anterior end up. Stages are indicated by silhouettes next to the figure capture, and the assignment to the respective stage next to them. a horizontal section through a juvenile female at the level of the sigmoid muscle, b detail of the pharyngeal bulb in dorsal view, c dorsal view of the head and pharyngeal musculature, d dorsal view of the posterior part of the body with sigmoid muscle and injected sperm lateral in an early juvenile female. Abbreviations: an – anus, cm – circular muscle, cmds – circular muscle of the digestive system, dlcb – contralateral branch of the dorsolateral longitudinal muscle, fmg – foregut-midgut transition, hg – hindgut, lmds – longitudinal muscle of the digestive system, mht – midgut-hindgut transition, mo – mouth opening, mrmo – muscular ring around the mouth opening, phb – pharyngeal bulb, phm – pharyngeal muscle, s – sperm, sm – sigmoid muscle, vcb – contralateral dorsal branch of the ventral longitudinal muscle, vlcb – contralateral branch of the ventrolateral longitudinal muscle, vlcb – contralatero-dorsal branch of the ventrolateral longitudinal muscle, vlia – anterior ipsilaterial branch of the ventrolateral longitudinal muscle, vlib – ipsilatero-anterior branch of the ventrolateral longitudinal muscle, vllm – ventrolateral longitudinal muscle, vlvb – ventral branch of the ventrolateral longitudinal muscle