Figure 2. Co-housing MHFD with MRD Offspring Rescues both Social Dysfunction and the Microbiota Phylogenetic Profile of MHFD Mice.
A, Schematic of the co-housing experiment. B, MRD and MHFD offspring were weaned into one of three cage compositions. C–G, Social interaction time (C, MRD vs. MHFD P<0.001, t=9.30; MRD vs. co-housed MHFD P>0.99, t=0.31; MHFD vs. co-housed MHFD P<0.001, t=7.99; P<0.0001, F3,8=30.51) and contact duration (D, MRD vs. MHFD P<0.05, t=4.13; MRD vs. co-housed MHFD P>0.99, t=0.46; MHFD vs. co-housed MHFD P<0.05, t=4.59; P<0.001, F3,8=9.01) in the reciprocal interaction test; social interaction times in the sociability (E, MRD P<0.001, t=4.36; MHFD P>0.99, t=0.078; Co-housed MRD P<0.0001, t=6.33; Co-housed MHFD P<0.001, t=4.78; Maternal diet/Housing/Interaction effect F3,32=6.13, P<0.01) and social novelty tests (F, MRD P<0.0001, t=5.12; MHFD P>0.99, t=0.60; Co-housed MRD P<0.001, t=4.20; Co-housed MHFD P<0.001, t=4.76; Maternal diet/Housing/Interaction effect F3,32=4.37, P<0.01), as well as UniFrac-based phylogenetic clustering (G, P<0.001, R2=0.552; n=1,000 rarefactions; 3,390 reads/sample), are all restored in MHFD offspring co-housed with MRD mice. Plots show mean ± SEM. See also Figure S3.