Limited resource model with recovered parameters. Shown are simulated responses from the limited resource model with expended fraction U set to average expended fraction from the model fits. A and B: 2 models were simulated, one with a medium time constant of 1 s to approximate properties of the P14, P21, and P31 components, as well as one with a long time constant of 2 s to approximate properties of the N85 and P135 components. In both models, maximum amplitude is equal to the value of the expended fraction U, i.e., 0.65. Minimum amplitude is lower for the long timescale model, indicating a somewhat larger dynamic range given the auditory environment used in the study. The main difference between the models is the earlier saturation of responses as a function of SOA for the medium timescale model (left panels). Dependence of component amplitude as a function of repetition number (right panels) is rather similar between the 2 models. This is due to the fact that as expended fraction U approaches 1, amplitude as a function of repetition number is determined more strongly by U rather than recovery time constant τ.