Fig. 6.
Potentiation of CA1 nicotinic responses by galanthamine, a positive modulator of α5 subunit-containing α4β2* nicotinic receptors, is not affected by postnatal age. Nicotinic current responses to 10 μM ACh (15 s) were measured before and after a 10-min exposure to 0.1 μM galanthamine. All recordings were made following the inactivation of acetylcholinesterase by diisopropyl fluorophosphate and in the continuous presence of 200 nM atropine and 10 nM MLA. The percent increase for ACh responses was not affected by age (unpaired t-test, P = 0.8). All values are means ± SE. Exemplary voltage-clamp traces for current responses to ACh before and after galanthamine exposure are shown at right.