Fig. 8.
Quantitative plasma volume metrics for individual microvascular layers show similar trends across animals. Two separate methods of quantifying plasma volume based on the DyC-OCT signal are compared: steady state signal (A) and integrated DyC-OCT signal (B). Measurements from individual animals are shown as blue lines with differently oriented triangles for each animal. Mean values are shown as red squares. Unfilled symbols represent measurements based on a retinal calibration (Section 2.5.3) while filled symbols are from a choroidal calibration. C) Both methods are correlated based on linear regression (red line), with all points near the line of equality (black). D) A Bland-Altman plot demonstrates agreement between the two methods. The black line shows the average difference, centered near zero, and the red lines show two standard deviations from this mean. IR – Total Inner Retina, ONF/GCL – Optic Nerve Fiber/Ganglion Cell Layer, IPL – Inner Plexiform Layer, OPL – Outer Plexiform Layer, and CC – Choriocapillaris.