Fig. 6.
PIPO SHG analysis of normal and malignant breast tissue samples. Column (a) shows bright-field microscopy images of the H&E stained tissues with square indicating the scanned area of 110 μm×110 μm used for the SHG data analysis shown in columns (b) to (e). Column (b) visualizes the normalized SHG intensity images (summation of all the polarization states) of the corresponding regions outlined by a black box in H&E images. Column (c) displays the R map where the blue represents an R value of 1.5 and the red represents a R value of 3. The colorbar also contains the R occurrence pixel histogram of the corresponding images. Column (d) shows the orientation map of the cylindrical axis, δ, for each fitted image pixel. Column (e) displays the DLP map where the color bar ranges from 0 to 1 and also contains corresponding DLP occurrence pixel histograms. Laboratory axes and a 25-μm scale bar are shown in the last panel of column (b).