Cells were pre-treated for one hour with 2.5μg of fluo-4 along with no inhibitor or ERK 1/2 inhibitor, followed by infection with RRV at an MOI of 160 or 25μg of VP6 protein and imaged every minute for 30 minutes to observe calcium influx through fluorescence. (A, B) Cholangiocytes treated with RRV displayed increased calcium influx, as detected by fluorescence when compared to cells treated with media alone. (C, D) Treatment of cholangiocytes with ERK 1/2 inhibitor both in the presence and absence of virus showed a reduction in calcium influx as compared to RRV alone (B). (E) Cholangiocyte treatment with VP6 protein had similar results to RRV treatment (B). (F) Change in immunofluorescence intensity over time (ΔF/F0, (ΔF= Ft – F0) is demonstrated, where Ft is observed fluorescence at time t and F0 is fluorescence at t=0) (* = p<0.05)