Figure 1.
Standard error in the anger, anxiety, depressive symptoms, and fatigue domains across the full range of T-scores for each assessment option administered.
Change in standard error (SE) in the (A) ‘Anger’, (B) ‘Anxiety’, (C) ‘Depressive Symptoms’, and (D) ‘Fatigue’ domains. Full item bank, short form, and computerized adaptive test (CAT) instruments shown. A T-score of ‘50’ (solid, blue, vertical line) represents the population mean score with standard deviation equal to +/− 10. The dashed, red, horizontal line corresponds with a reliability score of 0.9 (SE=3.2). T-score reliability increases as SE approaches zero. Scores below the reference line at SE=3.2 (reliability≥0.9) have acceptable reliability for individual assessment according to the Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) scientific standards.