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. 2016 Oct 31;17(6):827–845. doi: 10.3348/kjr.2016.17.6.827

Table 4. Suggested Imaging Protocols for Cognitively Impaired Patients in Clinical Practice and for Academic Research.

Protocol for Clinical Practice Protocol for Research Purpose*
3D T1-weighted images (MPRAGE) 3D (sagittal) T1-weighted images (MPRAGE)
 - Parallel imaging factor = 2  - Parallel imaging factor = 2
 - ≤ 1.2 × 1.2 × 1.2 mm, 256 mm FOV  - ≤ 1.2 × 1.2 × 1.2 mm, 256 mm FOV
2D FLAIR 3D (sagittal) FLAIR
 - 1 × 1 × 1 mm, 256 mm FOV
2D GRE (or SWI) 2D (axial) GRE or 3D (axial) SWI
 - 3 mm slice thickness
Optional: 2D T2WI, DWI, or MRA Resting state fMRI
 - TR = 2000 ms
Diffusion tensor imaging (30 directions or more)
Optional: arterial spin labeling (ASL)

*Adapted from Korea-ADNI MR protocol. DWI = diffusion weighted imaging, FLAIR = fluid-attenuated inversion recovery, fMRI = functional magnetic resonance imaging, FOV = field of view, GRE = gradient recalled echo, MPRAGE = magnetization-prepared rapid gradient-echo, MRA = magnetic resonance angiography, SWI = susceptibility-weighted imaging, T2WI = T2-weighted imaging, 2D = twodimensional, 3D = three-dimensional