Vinculin binding and integrin clustering both can explain the distinct relationship between retrograde flow and stiffness. (A and B) Increasing the vinculin binding rate (kvin) caused a monotonic relationship with high integrin density (Cti = 1). (C and D) Enough nascent clutches can promote stabilized clutch formation. (E–G) Distinct integrin clustering behaviors in different cell types, i.e., a linear function for MEFs, a Gaussian function for ECFNs, and a constant for talin 2 shRNA MEFs. (H) The distinct relationship between retrograde flow and stiffness in response to rigidity for various cell types. Shown are the biphasic relationship in ECFNs and talin 2 shRNA MEFs, experimental data from Odde et al. (14) and Roca-Cusachs et al. (21), the monotonic relationship in normal MEFs, and experimental data from Roca-Cusachs et al. (21). Parameter values are given in Table S2. To see this figure in color, go online.