Figure 5.
Sleep deprivation blocks short-term memory (STM). (A) To investigate the effects of sleep deprivation on the induction of STM, animals were sleep deprived for last 9 h of the night, trained at ZT 1 and tested for STM 30 min after training. No significant differences were observed between the training times for non-sleep deprived animals (Control Train) and sleep deprived animals (Sl Dep Train). Trained sleep deprived animals did not exhibit STM with significantly longer response (Sl Dep Test) compared to trained non-sleep deprived animals (Control Test; one-way analysis of variance F(4,31) = 49.26, P < 0.0001). Numbers of animals in each group are shown above the columns. Asterisks represent Bonferroni post hoc analyses ****P < 0.0001 for testing between naïve and non-sleep deprived animals and between non-sleep deprived and sleep deprived animals. ***P < 0.001 for testing between naïve and sleep deprived animals. (B) Daytime handling had no effect on the training of animals after handling with training times similar between groups (Control Train compared to Hand Train). Daytime handling did not block STM. Trained daytime handled control animals exhibited STM with total response times (Hand Test) similar to trained nonhandled animals (Control Test) that were significantly different than naïve animals (one-way analysis of variance F(4,61) = 35.50, P < 0.0001) Asterisks represent Bonferroni post hoc analyses ****P < 0.0001.