Table 1.
Gene ontology pathways of female acute stress hypo DhMR-associated genes
Gene Ontology Term | **P-Value | *** Gene ontology genes |
* morphogenesis of an epithelium | 0.00018 |
Cxcr4,Enah,Fzd6,Gli2,Nr3c1,Hand1,Foxq1,Sfrp1,Sox2,Tgfb2,Fras1 Arhgap24,Map3k7 |
tissue morphogenesis | 0.00019 |
Cxcr4,Dscam,Enah,Fzd6,Gli2,Nr3c1,Hand1,Foxq1,Man2a1,Sfrp1,Sox2 Tgfb2,Fras1,Arhgap24,Map3k7 |
* regulation of glutamate secretion | 0.00047 | Grm7,Nr3c1,Prkg1 |
* dendrite development | 0.00064 | Dscam,Ezh2,Nr3c1,Sdc2,Prkg1,Abi2,Gsk3b,Tmem106b |
protein export from nucleus | 0.00070 | Nup214,Ahcyl1,Gsk3b,Park7 |
* regulation of cellular component movement | 0.00081 |
Ank2,Adra2a,Capn7,Cxcr4,Dscam,Fn1,Itgb3,Prkg1,Sfrp1,Hace1,Tac1 Sema6d,Tgfb2,Gsk3b,Bmper |
* negative regulation of transport | 0.00081 | Grm7,Adra2a,Fn1,Itgb3,Prkg1,Sfrp1,Tgfb2,Nucb2,Gsk3b,Park7,Ndfip2 |
* regulation of neurogenesis | 0.00098 |
Cxcr4,Dscam,Ezh2,Fn1,Gli2,Nr3c1,Sdc2,Man2a1,Prkch,Atxn1,Sox2 Ntm,Zfp536,Opcml,Gsk3b |
* nervous system development | 0.00102 |
Cxcr4,Dscam,Enah,Ezh2,Fn1,Fzd6,Gli2,Nr3c1,Sdc2,Man2a1,Nfia Pikfyve,Prkch,Prkg1,Atxn1,Sfrp1,Sox2,Sema6d,Tgfb2,Ntm,Zfp536 Map3k7,Abi2,Opcml,Gsk3b,Smarca2,Kirrel3,Tmem106b |
nuclear export | 0.00103 | Atxn1,Nup214,Ahcyl1,Gsk3b,Park7 |
Indicates neuronal related pathways as previously determined by Geigman et al., 2010
All terms shown had an FDR P-Value = 0.138
Bolded genes are known stress related genes from the GeneCards database