Morphometry of the galanin-immunoreactive myenteric plexuses in the large intestine wall of CRC patients. (A) Plexuses located in the vicinity of the tumor (magnification, ×40). (B) Plexuses located distantly from the tumor (magnification, ×40). The borders of galanin-immunoreactive myenteric plexuses located between circular and longitudinal muscular layers of the colon wall are outlined by red lines. The black frames outline the constant area of the field of view, which was ≤3439,072 µm2 (artificial empty spaces in certain sections were subtracted). The total area of galanin-immunoreactive myenteric plexuses located close to the tumor was 40,942 µm2 and the total area of plexuses in the section of non-cancerous colon wall was 112,455 µm2. (C) Surface area of myenteric plexuses in the vicinity of tumor and in a distant section of non-cancerous colon wall tissue. Bars represent the mean ± standard error of mean (n=22). **P=0.0071. CRC, colorectal cancer.