Data points sized by regression weight. In the null model, a random intercept for each study and a linear effect of time from catheterization have been included. Therefore, these residuals show the putative diurnal variation to be modeled. To explore this variation, we fitted a weighted LOESS curve (red line). This curve shows a trough in the morning. Note that the shape of the LOESS curve depends on the smoothing parameter. It is therefore possible to generate different LOESS curves from the same data, and not all of them show a peak in the early afternoon. The LOESS curve was fitted on three repeated days of the same data, and the curve for the second day shown, to ensure that the estimates would meet at 00:00 and 24:00. Time from 22:00 to 07:00 is shaded to indicate the night. Left: All data points shown. Right: Y axis range restricted to increase resolution.