Chow [91] |
Financial pressure; health insurance; socio-demographic factors |
Health status; personal factors and beliefs; environmental and workplace factors |
Physical and mental work demands; physical and mental work ability |
Physical and mental work demands interact with physical and mental work ability |
Return to work |
Feuerstein [92] |
Work environment; work demands; policies and procedures; economic factors |
Health and wellbeing, symptoms |
Work environment; policies and procedures; economic factors |
Health and wellbeing interacts with symptoms; functional status interacts with work demands |
Return to work, work ability, work performance sustainability (work retention) |
Mehnert [48] |
Disease specific factors; treatment related factors |
Disease specific factors; treatment related factors |
Demographic factors; impairments; health status; psychosocial and motivational factors; work-related factors and interventions |
Not described |
Employment status; return-to-work; work ability; sick leave and duration; work changes; productivity; disability |
Mehnert [48] |
Interventions and rehabilitation programs promoting return to work and employment |
Individual and interpersonal factors; short-term, long-term, and late effects of cancer and cancer treatments |
Interventions and rehabilitation programs promoting return to work and employment |
Individual and interpersonal factors; short-term, long-term, and late effects of cancer and cancer treatments |
Employment/return to work; work ability; work performance; job opportunities; income; work satisfaction; job promotion and training; sustainability |
Steiner [93] |
Individual characteristics; general health perceptions; characteristics of work environment |
Cancer and health status; symptoms; functional status |
Health status; symptoms; functional status |
Not described |
Work status; job changes; work and role content; economic status; job satisfaction |