Fig. 4.
Neighbor-joining tree of 226 spelt α-gliadin amino acid sequences from this study and 210 previously published sequences from diploid species and bread wheat. The neighbor-joining tree is presented in a circular disposition where only the topology is displayed for the sake of clarity. Sequences from diploid species and bread wheat were retrieved from GenBank, and spelt α-gliadins were determined in this study. Alpha-gliadin sequences from diploid species, arising from Triticum urartu, Aegilops speltoides and Ae. tauschii, were labeled by empty triangles, those from bread wheat by empty circles and spelt α-gliadins were labeled by filled circles. Sequences from the A genome were colored black. In the B genome, YG-type and FV-type sequences were colored olive and blue-gray, respectively. Alpha-gliadins matching with neither YG- nor FV-type were colored pink. Spelt sequences from the D genome were marked with a turquoise, red or yellow label when they displayed 0, 1 or 2 duplications of the DQ2.5-glia-α2 epitope, respectively