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. 2016 Oct 3;90(12):2885–2916. doi: 10.1007/s00204-016-1850-4

Table 4.

Genotoxicity of silica in vivo (including data of non-food-grade and colloidal SAS)

Species, exposure route, dose levels Test substance particle size and/or SSA Source Method Result References
Ex vivo gene mutation tests
 F-344 rat, inhalation, 50 mg/m3, 13 weeks Pyrogenica silica (AEROSIL® 200) 200 m2/g Degussa HPRT mutations in alveolar type II cells Negative, highly cytotoxic Johnston et al. (2000)
In vivo micronucleus tests
 Sprague–Dawley rat, m (up to 5/group); gavage, 5, 10, 20 mg/kg bw/day on 3 consecutive days Pyrogenic silica (NM-202, -203)
precipitated silica (NM-200, -201)
10–22 nm JRC OECD TG 474 (1997) (combined with comet assay), bone marrow Negative Nanogenotox (2013), (NANOGENOTOX (2013) and Tarantini et al. (2015a)
Colon micronucleus assay (combined with comet assay) Negative (NM-200, -201),
borderline at lowest dose (NM-202,-203)
I CR mouse, gavage, 500, 1000, 2000 mg/kg bw, in 10 mL distilled water/kg Colloidal silica* 20, 100 nm E&B Nanotech Co Ltd OECD TG 474 (1997), GLP; bone marrow Negative Kwon et al. (2014)
 Sprague–Dawley rat, m (up to 5/group); 3, 6, 12 mg/kg bw/day by intratracheal instillation and 5, 10, 20 mg/kg bw/day by iv injection (iv only NM-203); on 3 consecutive days Pyrogenic and precipitated silica (NM-200, -201, -202, -203) 10–22 nm JRC OECD TG 474 (1997) (combined with comet assay), bone marrow Negative (intratracheal instillation)
equivocal (iv, at highest dose corresponding to LD50)
Nanogenotox (2013), NANOGENOTOX (2013) and Guichard et al. (2015b)
 Wistar rat, m, f, inhalation 1, 5, 25 mg/m3, 14 day + 14 day recovery Precipitated silica (NM-200) 190 m2/g JRC OECD TG 474, polychromatic bone marrow erythrocytes, GLP Negative Knebel et al. (2014)
 CR rat, m (5/group), inhalation (nose only), 7x10e7 and 1.8x10e8 particles/cm3 (1.8 and 86 mg/m3) for 1 or 3 day Pyrogenic silica, de novo synthesised* 37, 83 nm Laboratory Micronucleus assay in peripheral blood cells by flow cytometry; lung pathology and inflammatory parameters Negative, no adverse effects on lung, no inflammation Sayes et al. (2010)
 Wistar rat, m (4–8/group), iv, 25, 50, 125 (55 nm only) mg/kg bw/day for 3 days Colloidal silica (Levasil® 200, Levasil® 50)* 15, 55 nm; 200, 50 m2/g HC Starck Combined micronucleus/comet assay; micronuclei in peripheral blood; test substance diluted and neutralised before injection into tail vein Small increase in micronucleated reticulocytes at MTD, but not at lower doses Downs et al. (2012)
In vivo chromosome aberration
 Sprague–Dawley rat, m (1 and 5 × 1.4–5000 mg/kg bw, oral) Silica gel
(Syloid® 244)
2.5–3.7 µm nr Chromosome aberration in bone marrow cells; animals killed 6, 24, or 48 h after single administration or 6 h after last administration in the repeated-dose experiment Negative US-FDA 1974 as cited in ECETOC (2006)
In vivo comet assays
 Sprague–Dawley rat, m (up to 5/group); 5, 10, 20 mg/kg bw/day by gavage and iv (iv only for NM-203); up to 12 mg/kg bw/day by instillation; on 3 consecutive days Pyrogenic and precipitated silica (NM-200, -201, -202, -203) 10–22 nm JRC Combined comet/micronucleus assay; liver, kidney, blood, bone marrow; for the oral route in addition: duodenum and colon;
For the instillation route in addition: lung, BAL fluid.
Negative (in all organs and tissues), no overt toxicity except for iv route (LD50) Nanogenotox (2013), Tarantini et al. (2015a), and Guichard et al. (2015b)
 Sprague–Dawley rat, gavage, 500, 1000, 2000 mg/kg bw, at 0, 24 and 45 h before killing Colloidal silica* 20, 100 nm E&B Nanotech Co Ltd OECD TG 489, GLP; liver, stomach Negative Kwon et al. (2014)
Wistar rat, m,f, inhalation 1, 5, 25 mg/m3, 14 day + 14 day recovery Precipitated silica (NM-200) 190 m2/g JRC Ex vivo comet assay (± hGOOG1) in alveolar macrophages from BAL; immunohistochemistry in lung epithelial cells Macrophages: small, concentration-dependent increase in DNA damage, particularly after the recovery period; no oxidative damage; particle aggregates/agglomerates in cytoplasm of intraalveolar macrophages; in lung epithelial cells slight, but significant increase in 8-OH-dG positive nuclei at d1 and d14 post-exposure Knebel et al. (2014)
 Wistar rat, m (4–8/group), iv, 25, 50, 125 (55 nm only) mg/kg bw/day for 3 days Colloidal silica* (Levasil® 200, Levasil® 50) 15, 55 nm; 200, 50 m2/g HC Starck Combined comet/micronucleus assay; test substance diluted and neutralised before injection into tail vein; organs examined: liver, lung, white blood cells 15 nm: small increase in DNA damage at 50 mg/kg bw
55 nm: ↑DNA damage (1.5–1.7 ×) at 125 mg/kg in liver (MTD)
Downs et al. (2012)
 Rat, single intratracheal instillation, 360 µg Colloidal silica* (Levasil®) 15, 55 nm; Akzo Nobel Lung, bone marrow, 3 day after instillation Negative, pulmonary inflammation (more pronounced with 15 nm) Maser et al. (2015)
Drosophila tests
 Drosophila melanogaster Colloidal silica* (Levasil®) 6, 15, 30, 55 nm and micron-sized, 50–450 m2/g HC Starck Wing-spot and comet assay (± FPG) in larvae haemocytes: larvae were fed 0.1–10 mM Negative (no significant increases in the frequencies of somatic and recombination mutants);
>5 mM: DNA damage (both ± FPG)
Demir et al. (2015)

BAL bronchoalveolar lavage, FPG formamido pyrimidine glycosylase, HPRT hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase-encoding gene mutation, iv intravenous, m male, MTD maximum tolerated dose, nr not reported)

* Substance which does not fulfil the current EU criteria for E 551 (no star does, however, not implicate that the substance would be in compliance with EU E 551 specifications)

aIn publication erroneously described as “precipitated silica”