Rotary torque of TA2F1 is the highest determined by fluctuation theorem.
A, typical time course of TA2F1γ2c rotation with 2 mm ATPγS filmed at 5000 fps. Boxed in red are the stepping regions of the trace, θ(t), used to determine the torque. The steps were determined by eye. B and C, 10 TA2F1 rotation traces were collectively analyzed. B, ln[P(Δθ)/P(−Δθ)] as a function of Δθ/kBT. The red line shows the average torque of the 10 molecules. The slope revealed a rotary torque of 52.4 ± 4 pNnm/radian (rad) in the case of Δt = 6 ms. C, NFT as a function of Δt for the recording rate of 5000 fps. Torque from 5 to 10 ms was regarded as consistent enough to judge the rotary torque of TA2F1. deg, degrees. Error bars represent S.E.